Jun 20, 2022 | 13U T1 Staff | 1519 views
Jack McCart / Ralph Hall 13U Champions!
After a great weekend of ball, incredible weather and lots of fun and smiles the 13U T1 team are Tournament Champions of the Jack McCart/Ralph Hall Classic in Lasalle June 17-19.
The boys went 5-0, winning the championship 6-1 in the best played game of the tournament. This was a complete team effort. As a team they pounded the ball all over the diamond putting up a whopping 68 runs while pitching was masterful by allowing just 8. Great defensive play and teamwork made for a super fun weekend. It’s good to be back!!!!
Special thank you to the tournament coordinators and volunteers for such a well-run event and all the families that spent their Father’s Day at the diamond.