Junior Titans - Titans Family, Team Galleries, Titans 16U, 2013, Titans (Turtle Club Baseball and Softball)

This Team is part of the 2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
Gallery Images
Junior Titans - Titans Family
-Titans who helped out the younger players at the Hit, Pitch and Run competition pose with their teamate's (Connor Dias) nephew Owen St. Pierre. Connor won the competition when he was younger. - Matt Pe Benito, Noah Renaud, and Colin Sartor pose with their young protege Aiden Tuquero. Aiden got the call to the mound that day in his team's season home opener. He pitched a gem. Good job Aiden!
Main Image

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  • 2_-_Owen_with_the_boys.JPG
  • 3_-_Matt_with_Aiden.JPG
  • 4_-_Titans_little_brother.JPG