Jun 17, 2014 | jcrowley | 577 views
Tough Loss
A close game against Black last night came down to the wire, but at the end it was Black who came out on top!! It came down to the bottom of the 5th, when Black rallied to overtake the Hornets!
The heat was on, literally, as players from both teams were visibly affected by the temperature. It took it's toll on a few players but both teams managed to play hard until the end. Brandon, Owen and Ty cashed in with big hits in the middle innings, and Nolan, Xavier, Max toughed it out behind the plate like champs. Matt was strong on both sides of the ball, making a sharp play at 2nd and chipping in with his bat as well. Gabe earned player of the game after coming in to pitch in the last inning when his team needed him!! Great job Gabriel...Congrats!
Next up for The Hornets is Coach Moxam's very tough Royal Blue squad.