Apr 25, 2013 | Lreaume | 870 views
An Hour On The Diamond, Is Better Than....
An hour on the diamond is better than no diamond time at all. It was the attitude that the team had to take this past Tuesday ( April 23rd ) as rains came in hard. I hope that the conditions for our first outdoor practice this season isn't a predictor of the season to come.
The girls have had one game postponed due to the rains and with another scheduled for this weekend, the hope is the diamonds will dry out and the temps will rise so that we can get a little experience under our belts.
The girls showed up Tuesday eve energized and jacked up to get'r started. It was good to see not only our full compliment of girls, and the 14U team, but also the house league groups out on an overcast mild evening. The crack of the bat, the smacks of the ball hitting the glove, the shouts and cries of instruction could be heard all around.
It was good to see the girls in sync with their pregame warm-up. Now, if only we can get Coach Michelle to stop chatting up the crowd in the bleachers and be ready.... :)
As is always the policy with this group, the extra support on the field from the parents is much appreciated and I look forward to their continued help. So keep bringing those gloves folks.
So, let's keep those fingers and toes crossed for good weather and if you happen to see the 11U group walking about the diamonds, give them a thumbs up and a word of encouragement, because they're working their tails off to the best they can be.
Go Get'm A's!!!!