Jun 03, 2012 | mkisch | 1076 views
Season Progressing, Playoffs
The season has progressed very well so far and there is definite improvement in all the girls. After successfully removing the tee a couple of weeks ago, the girls have adjusted very well to the pitched ball, are being more and more successful in their hitting and are making a lot of great defensive plays.
The lower scores are a good indicator of their improvement and although there have been a few rule interpretations and clarifications, this season has progressed very well.
On Saturday, June 9 we will be playing our only make-up game so far (I hope I didn't jinx that!) with Sunday being held for practice.
Playoffs are right around the corner and we will be playing a round robin tournament beginning on June 16. A Manager's Meeting has been scheduled for next Tuesday evening to go over the playoff rules and game format. The playoffs will continue on June 17 and June 23. Every team will play three games and the top two teams will square off on June 24 at 1pm for the Championship Final. The third and fourth place teams will play each other at 11am on June 24 for the Consolation Final. All games will be held on Diamond #5.
Please keep in mind that this division is developmental and playoffs can sometimes get emotions running high. Its best to stay positive, encourage the girls and remain supportive. This holds true for the coaches and umpires. After all, our girls are only 7 and 8 years old and while it may be important to some to hold up that Championship trophy, I can count on one hand the number of times I've been asked if we've won a game. On the other hand, I need a computer to calculate the times our girls have asked about what they're getting for snack, what cheer should they sing or "when is the game over?"
To the volunteer coaches and managers, the supportive parents and family members, and my colleagues on the TC Board of Directors, thank you for making this season incredibly enjoyable for the girls. Softball is a terrific team game and while we had some minor bugs to work out in the transition to Rookie softball, this season has been a true success. It will set the tone for next year as the current 7 year olds ready themselves for their second year in our division and for the 8 years olds as they move into Minors.
As always, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time.
Yours in Softball,
Coach Mike
Mike Kisch
Rookie Softball Division Director
Turtle Club Little League