Uniforms, Opening Day, Play Ball!, News, Softball Rookie, 2012 (Turtle Club Baseball and Softball)

This League is part of the 2012 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 27, 2012 | mkisch | 930 views
Uniforms, Opening Day, Play Ball!
Opening Day
Opening Day is this Saturday, April 28, 2012 and for those participating in the parade, we will meet behind the TD Bank at Laurier and Front Road at 9:30am.  Please do not try to park in front of the bank as there will be no spots available.  All players must be in uniform and the parade is scheduled to begin at 10am sharp.

We will proceed team by team from TD to Turtle Club and join everyone on Diamond #1 for Opening Ceremonies at 11am.  Following that, Pitch, Hit and Run, will begin at 12:30pm on Diamond #6.  If your daughter is interested, please have them at the diamond in time.  Also please make sure that any monies and forms for the Walk-a-thon are put into a sealed envelope and have your daughter bring it to the parade to give to their team manager. I will collect the envelopes team by team and turn them into TC.

I recently picked up all the team uniforms and all team managers will have them by tonight.  Again, all the players must be in uniform for Opening Day.

Play Ball!
  Our first game will be played this Sunday, April 29, 2012.  Please check the division website (http://turtleclubbaseball.com/Leagues/1055/) for your team's schedule.

We're really looking forward to this major step in advancing and developing our daughters in this age group as we move away from t-ball and into rookie ball.  The game does have some significant changes such as the use of a pitching machine, no calling time out to stop play, calling outs, not going through the entire roster per inning, etc.  Keep in mind that this is new to our Little League and we will undoubtedly have some kinks to work out as the season progresses.  Should you have any concerns, again please feel free to contact me at any time.