Aug 03, 2015 | Ian Mayer | 2667 views
Ancaster T-Ball Tournament "AA" Bronze
Congratulations to a fine group of kids comprised of 10 - 2008's and 3 - 2009's, who competed this weekend under the hot Ancaster Sun. The boys played 7 games over 3 days, coming up short against an excellent High Park team by a run in the bottom of the 5th inning to finish as the eventual Bronze "AA" medalist.
The team was reclassified as "AA" after the a very strong preliminary round showing, setting up a 2 game elimination round against older kids.
The boys certainly have nothing to hang their heads over, as they battled tough against teams with players born mostly in 2007, even capturing 3 wins against the older kids!
The coaching staff could not be more proud of their efforts! It was an excellent weekend with a great group of athletes and their supportive parents, which reminded the Tball world that TC is still a force to be reckoned with!