2025 Out of Country Accident Coverage Acknowledgment (Turtle Club Baseball and Softball)

2025 Out of Country Accident Coverage Acknowledgment
Turtle Club Baseball and Softball ("TC") has liability and accident insurance coverage for its house league, select and LaSalle Titans travel baseball programs solely through Baseball Ontario, and for its LaSalle Athletics travel softball program solely through the PWSA.

Teams travelling OUTSIDE OF CANADA are NOT COVERED under TC's ACCIDENT policies. Only liability coverage extends beyond Canada. TC does NOT have accident insurance coverage for its teams travelling outside of Canada.

All teams (players, coaches, managers, spectators, etc.) travelling outside of Canada will be responsible for any medical or other treatment sought out of country through whatever personal accident coverage they have or obtain. Such teams will be responsible for any expenses not covered by whatever personal insurance they may have or obtain.

In addition, liability coverage outside of Ontario for TC's travel softball teams will in most cases require travel permits from the PWSA for all participants.